Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Wolves in sheep's clothing

nubianprincess4obama is not an administrative intern for Feminists for Life as indicated on MyDD. Feminists for Life is a nonpartisan 501(c)3 organization that does not endorse or support candidates of any party.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Berkeley City Council Condemns Our Soldiers

You may not be aware of the situation in Berkeley, California. The mainstream media has not been reporting on it. Here is the situation. The Berkeley City Council has told the Marine Recruiting Office to get out of Berkeley.

Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina has put together a video that shows you explicitly what the City Council members of Berkeley said about our Marines and the effort to force the recruiters to leave the city. They include comments from the Mayor who says that the Marines "don't belong here in Berkeley."

These people aren't just against the war, they are against our soldiers who are fighting and dying in that war.

The video also includes rebuttal by veterans of this nation who are outraged by the conduct of this city council. I hope you will send the letter and forward it to friends and family. The letters will go straight to the Mayor and City Council members.

Click here to watch the video.

Read the letter from Debbie Lee, whose son was killed in action.

Read the statement from U.S. Senators DeMint, Cornyn, Vitter, Coburn, Inhofe, and Chambliss.

Click here to send the e-mail to the Mayor and City Council members.

American Family Association

What happens at Gilroy High when Johnny decides he prefers to shower with the girls?

The Gilroy Dispatch - Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

A new state law (SR777) requiring California public schools to, among other things, allow students to "choose their own gender" when deciding whether to use the boys or girls restroom and locker room is just another glaring example of the cultural assault taking place in America. 

This latest step of  "political correctness" is, to use an analogy, just another sad, sick example of the tick on the flea on the tail of the dog wagging the entire dog whenever the tick wishes. 

So, how is Gilroy High School going to handle it when "Johnny" decides that he is really a "she" entrapped in a male body, and has the lawful right to use the girls' showers - especially when the girls are present? Will any sane girl who refuses to shower with Johnny there be called a bigot or accused of acting in a discriminatory manner and therefore subject to school discipline? 

The bizarreness of this kind of insanity goes on and on, all because of the influence that special interest groups hold over our lawmakers resulting in poor (and downright crazy) legislation that is out of touch and unrepresentative of the values of the majority of American people. I think it's time for another American Revolution to kick the bums out that sponsor and push this distorted garbage upon us and our children.

James Fennell, Gilroy

California Passes SB 777 - Here Come the Language Police